Perla Nera Spot TV

Produced by ADM

Client: Sky Media

Make it fresh!

The graphics that make advertising.

An exercise in style that we enjoy. The motion graphic spot created for Perla Nera, airing on Sky Italia channels, is capable of conveying the typical freshness and lightness of summer, hiding the technical mastery of ADM’s Showtime division beneath the pixels.


Perla Nera Spot TV

Produced by ADM

Cliente: Sky Media

Make it fresh!

La grafica che fa ADV.

Un esercizio di stile che ci piace. Lo spot realizzato in motion graphic per Perla Nera in onda sui canali Sky Italia, è capace di trasmettere la tipica freschezza e leggerezza dell’estate che cela sotto i pixel la maestria tecnica della division showtime di ADM.

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